IR 80619 - Armor Helmet German Maximillian

This is a beautifully designed Antique Armour Helmet German Maximillian. Available in an antique finish with exclusive design and pattern, this helmet is creatively crafted by extremely talented artisans to ensure its perfection and exceptionality. Provided helmet resembles the helmet of olden times that got popularized during the period of the Emperor Maximilian and remained in trend until the mid-16th century. Offered helmet is suitable for gifting purpose to those who love to collect antiques.

  • Material: Steel
  • Handcrafted by talented artisans
  • Authentic Replica for Display, Wear, or Costume Use
  • A Real Wearable Helmet for Re-enactment/Film/or any use


  • Dimensions: L: 12in x W: 9.75in x H: 13in
  • Weight: 4.08lb
  • Case Quantity: 6 Units Per Case

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